We are now in Bush NSA wiretapping, pre-Impeachment mode. It is amazing how many, MANY things he has done to deserve impeachment, and finally one comes up that brings people to bandy about the "I"-word.
It is a breath of fresh air, 4 years late.
In the first week after his first inauguration, Bush decided that the separation of church and state no longer applied, as he pressed forward - rejecting the fact that he had been elected by the single vote of Sandra Day O'Connor - the only 1-person election in the history of the world outside of dictatorships and empires. Such a mandate did, of course, allow him to claim anything he wanted to. After all, he DID have majorities on both houses - for a few months anyway, until James Jeffords became a hero for a year and a half by switching his party allegiance to "Independent". Now THAT was a breath of fresh air - AND the second 1-person election in half a year. The day the Senate committee chairmanships changed hands I was so happy I almost peed in my pants.
And I am not even a Democrat. Gnostic Anarchists rarely are.
And now, as the Bush whirlpool swirls large and the 2006 election looms even larger, honorable men of the GOoPer persuasion weigh the merits of riding out the Abramoff storm, the Plame waiting game and the Bush need for self-destruction, to decide whether it is nobler to ride the chuck wagon all the way to the light at the end of the Iraq tunnel or to detour through the Impeachment wasteland. Bush has left so many landmines, alienated so many voting groups, and stolen money from every population except the very wealthy.
Robin Hood in reverse he is. John Cleese would never deign to play this twerp, though.
Things are looking so bad for the GOP legislators (and I use that word loosely - the more proper term might be toady sheep) that they have every reason in the world to loose themselves of Bush's anti-coattails. Coattails attract votes, and Bush repels votes. "Whose side will they be on?" we wonder. Well, look at the Abramoff "situation" and you will see. Everyone involved is uncommonly eager to avoid having a horny cellmate and are quite motivated to do their patriotic duty and turn in anyone they can.
Between Jack A_off and his Royal (ex-)"high"ness, they are in terrible shape. And they should be. They have enabled him like James Dean's parents in "Rebe' Without a Cause". If they hadn't swooned over their finally (after all those YEARS of Dem sovereignty) getting a chance to be at the head of the feeding trough of favors and pork, golf trips and women. Oh? There haven't been women? Maybe I am getting ahead of the game. Trust me, there have been women. Will it come up before all the heads have rolled? It is hard to say.
Anyway, the Repugs got so freaked at being THE party, that when they got THEIR President, why all freakin' hell broke out back of the barn. They got offered all the goodies that a majority party gets offered, but since they had no experience at it, they didn't know they were supposed to say "No" to bribery. Money was their drug of choice, and the pusher men - Abramoff wasn't the only one, you know - hanging out down by the creek or the 1st tee had nickel bags galore. It was frat party night every night, and Mom and Pop America were paying the (gold) bar tab.
I guess most of them missed Civics class in high school. They must have thought it was about working on Japanese cars, and they didn't want to get their hands dirty.
All the now and soon-to-be humbled are mixed all in with the honorable Republicans, and they are tainting (hahahaha) the good apples with the rotten. It will all fall out soon. Will it be soon enough to change the outcome of the election in November? Oh, we should be so lucky.
The Dems will bring their own weird ways back to Capitol Hill, and it will be like old home week when Teddy and all are heading up those committees in Congress. They will have their plates full for four years or more, as they will be investigating and bringing charges long overdue against some very nasty anti-democracy fellows.
Much of what has gone on is still FAR below the radar, and I am looking forward to the bombshells to be bursting in air all over GOP-land (rhymes with Cop-Land). We haven't seen the worst of it yet. We have only seen what the ubermen have decided it is convenient to let out, and only in the colors they choose to let us see. The ubers will not let go the filters yet - We The People are still not to be trusted - just to be led down a primrose path.
It is too early to think that things might be getting better. The government has been eviscerated, and it will take decades of hard work to get it back into any kind of shape again. They tried to flush the government down the drain, and they have nearly succeeded. The more innocent of them must have actually thought that it wouldn't take the country down the tubes with it. They can be pardoned their ignorance. But the old fuckers like Hastert should know better. Hastert, though, seemed awfully eager to flush New Orleans away, so maybe that was part of his agenda all along.
Bush? He is close to being history. But his legacy will haunt his party and America for decades and decades. Not to mention Iraq and his effect on that poor country whose only fault was getting suckered into trying to re-unite Kuwait with the rest of Mesopotamia.
100,000 dead and uncounted wounded and crippled and blinded later, and hopefully Bush and his handlers will be made to pay like the Nazis of old. It is only fitting - if you want to be a Nazi, you should follow through to the fvery end of the story.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
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