Tuesday, January 24, 2006

(Why is there no horizon? Because the site is on a promontory, and this is looking out over the end of the promontory - plus the day is hazy. There are mounatins out there in the distance, actually)

As a restful, peaceful start to this blog:
This is Mexico, Autumn 2005 Posted by Picasa
- a blissful place called Guachimontones, ruins perched on a promontory with over a dozen small ROUND pyramids, intermixed with many square platforms, overlooking a large lake with mountains beyond. It is west of Guadalajara about an hour and a half, out in the boonies. There's not much tourist stuff around, nor any tourists either, so a person can have some time and space to contemplate your navel, or the state of the world. . . speaking of which ...

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