Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Emails today to John Kerry and Ted Kennedy

After their herculean effort to generate enough votes (which fell short despite their efforts) to terminate the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, I thought it worthwhile to write to thank both Senators from Massachusetts.

John -

May I call you "John"?

Words can barely express my deep gratitude for your efforts of the last few days. The push to defeat cloture and extend the debate on Alito's nomination was a phenomenal success, even as it came up short. Democracy is about MAKING ONE'S SIDE'S ARGUMENTS AND MAKING SURE THEY ARE HEARD. It is not about winning. The Republican Party doesn't get that. They think it doesn't matter how your win. It is about being true to real principles, not about cheating and lying and stacking the deck (as they did in the last two elections, IMHO). SOMEONE had to push for defeating Alito. It should, of course, have been Harry Reid's job. When he waffled at the crucial moment, you and Senator Kennedy stepped in - in the face of a VERY tough uphill climb. You climbed well, and may have gotten all the way there if you'd had a few more days. Alito does not represent anyone but a small cadre of "haves", and doesn't represent the America that we believe in. Let us hope he is not there too long, and that the victorious Democratic candidate in 2008 can get a chance to replace some of Reagan's other Court appointees with ones more in the mainstream of sane and reasonable people - and ones who will vote to RETAIN the principles and specifics of the Constitution. Thank you for fighting for us. Even though you are now among the "haves", you represent the have-nots with serious brotherhood, support and encouragement. God speed, John, and may we, the sane, prevail soon. Sanity cannot come too soon for the nation and the world. (BTW, I am not a Democrat.)

Senator Kennedy -

Words can barely express my deep gratitude for your efforts of the last few days. The push to defeat cloture and extend the debate on Alito's nomination was a phenomenal success, even as it came up short. Democracy is about MAKING ONE'S SIDE'S ARGUMENTS AND MAKING SURE THEY ARE HEARD. It is not about winning. The Republican Party doesn't get that. They think it doesn't matter how your win. It is about being true to real principles, not about cheating and lying and stacking the deck (as they did in the last two elections, IMHO). SOMEONE had to push for defeating Alito. It should, of course, have been Harry Reid's job. When he waffled at the crucial moment, you and Senator Kerry stepped in - in the face of a VERY tough uphill climb. You climbed well, and may have gotten all the way there if you'd had a few more days. Alito does not represent anyone but a small cadre of "haves", and doesn't represent the America that we believe in. Let us hope he is not there too long, and that the victorious Democratic candidate in 2008 can get a chance to replace some of Reagan's other Court appointees with ones more in the mainstream of sane and reasonable people - and ones who will vote to RETAIN the principles and specifics of the Constitution. Thank you for fighting for us. Even though you are now among the "haves", you represent the have-nots with serious brotherhood, support and encouragement. God speed, John, and may we, the sane, prevail soon. Sanity cannot come too soon for the nation and the world. (BTW, I am not a Democrat.)

The GOP talking-points parrots attack you more than any other person in the Congress. They only do that because they fear you so much, and because you call them on so much of their heinous agenda. DO KEEP UP THE FIGHT. Know that vast numbers out here in the middle of America agree with your fight. It is our fight, too.

My sincerest appreciation for your all your efforts. You know what Congress is about, and the Constitution, and the principles of the American endeavor.

For the record, both Senators from New York, California and my own state of Illinois also voted against cloture (cloture is the ending of debate on an issue or nomination). 25 Senators voted against cloture, and though it failed, it showed that SOME Democrats have balls. When the vote did come up before the entire Senate, 42 voted against Alito - the highest "Nay" votes since Clarence Thomas squeaked by a single vote in the 1980s.

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