Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Zenith of Bush and the Neocons . . .

This past Tuesday, when Samuel Alito was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice, ended what has been a 34 year climb to dominance by the Ultra-Right branch of the Republican Party. It was fueled by the John Birch-er mentality that lost horribly in the 1964 Presidential election along with their candidate Barry Goldwater of Arizona. It began with the infamous Memorandum by Lewis Powell (summary and link), a future Supreme Court Justice himself, they pushed forward to take over the country by targeting certain areas of American life.

Now, they have gotten everything that they wanted to win - the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court, concentrated ownership of the news media, half the states in permanent 75 IQ status ("better Red than dead", as Barry's kind used to say). They have it all. They are at their zenith... But...

...They simply and utterly don't know what they are doing, or why. They have followed Powell's outline to a "T", but that was not enough. They focused so much on GETTING it all that they have screwed it up by not PREPARING for having it all. Powell told them to have their thinking done for them by those in think tanks, and to follow in lock-step what the wise ones tell them. That was the genesis of the GOP talking points. But in the process of parroting their ubers, they never learned how to think - only to rebut phrase "X" with phrase "Y", to counter accusation "A" with deflection "B".

But that is not much of a basis with which to govern any country, mush less the only world superpower. Dodging like Scott McClellan is NOT an art form - it is a national disgrace. Dim Bulb pausing to listen for Rove's voice in his earpiece or his bone phone do not engender faith in our Fuhrer.

Like spoiled rich kids who inherit great wealth, they don't know what level of intelligence it takes to acquire it all or to maintain it and expand it. They think having it passed on to them by the men who did the grunt work back in the 1970s and 1980s entitles them to have it - and that, having it, it will simply stay that way forever. They only know how to fritter things away. They know nothing of caretaking a nation, a people or a heritage.

These present-day idiots do not have the capacity to govern. Period.

They are now (two days ago) at their zenith, and even as they have achieved it, it is collapsing all around them.

The Samuel Alito swearing in will prove to be the high point of it all. From here on out, it is all downhill. The long climb to the top of the roller-coaster hill is finally over.

Now, comes the shrieking fall.

They are SO on a precipice, and they are starting to hyper-ventilate about what is going on all around them. And what is going on is chaos.

Again, like spoiled rich kids, they really DON'T think that it is possible for them to get caught. The laws don't really apply to them, do they? And, if caught, they think, "Well, that's all right, Dad will fix it." And if Dad can't fix it, they will do what?

They will squeal like pigs...

They will rat on others to save their own skin. Spoiled brats were ever thus. Anything to escape the consequences of their actions. Ask Patrick Fitzgerald - he has met a few squealers. Ask the Abramoff prosecutors (at least the ones who are left). We have not yet heard of the last of the squealers, either. Just wait and see...

And: We do not yet know how high up this will go before it is all played out.

It is a damned shame that it will have taken simple illegalities/crimes/felonies to send them all to their demise. Their misfeasances and malfeasances have all been swept under the carpet by the news media that Powell told them they needed to control, so their real crimes against the American way of governance will largely go unpunished. The government that all the world emulated and admired is now the laughing stock and pariah of the world. Now we can only export "democracy" at the point of a gun.

Powell only wanted the trend of his time to lean more toward businesses and less toward social issues. He did not envision the dismantling of the government to the point where it could be flushed down the drain. If ever a man should have been warned about what he might wish for (because you just may get it), it was he.

Nah, now that Alito is in place, they think they've got it all sewed up, but in reality this is where they find out that the bigger they are the harder they fall.

While we vehemently, apoplectically disagree with everything they stand for, some of us actually will feel at least a little sadness that they had to learn their lessons the hard way. But they deserve what they will have gotten.

We are also mad as hell that they had to fuck up a great, great nation on their way to Cell Block D. What of us who didn't have a hand in trashing our world? What is to become of us? When Hurricanes Dubya and JackA_off and Karl and Scooter are past, will FEMA step in and kiss it and make it all better?

If you are doubting it, you've got company...


Robert Angel said...

great blog.

TravelerDiogenes said...

I appreciate it.

Come visit and contribute any time.