Bill Gallagher: 'Bush's house of cards collapsing'
Every point he makes is correct.
For every point, it is conceivable that in normal times the President or his VP or a member of his staff would be strung up by the testicles or ovaries.
Why is that not happening?
There is so much happening - as Gallagher points out for this week especially - that no one who wants to "get to the bottom of it" or who wants to make Bush or his people answer for their screws-ups and illegalities (crimes to you and me) can get a purchase on it for long enough.
From 9/11 on, Bush has been responsible for the deaths of thousands Americans, through and including Iraq and Katrina. Yet, he skates on every issue.
Is it because he has spin doctors who massage the press and our perceptions? Partly.
The litany of screw ups us so egregious and populated with things that would have hamstrung Bill Clinton or Nixon or ANYBODY.
Does he get away with it because his daddy was Bush 41? Only partly.
The real reason IMHO is that the left/Democrats/Progressives are so enamoured of hearing their own selves screech.
Through the rage of another of us, I recently really, really, really realized that all this yammer is STUPID. It DOES NOTHING - except make us feel superior. Well, whoop-de-freaking-doo...
BushCo is getting away with murder (and torture and incompetents and criminal behavior) because we are continually losing focus.
When the Downing Street Memo came out, everyone was all over it - until Cindy Sheehan did her thing.
When Katrina hit, we were all over it - until Judy Miller got her out of jail free card from Patrick Fitzgerald.
When we were all over Scooter Libby (wishing it was Karl Rove), we got distracted again.
We were all over Bush about the NSA eavesdropping until Dick Cheney shot a 78-year-old Republican lawyer, which in most times would maybe be not so bad - but here we go again. Everyone has lost focus on the NSA case.
In 5 or 10 days, when another FUBAR comes along, we will lose our focus - again - and forget about the previous prosecutable criminalities of these gangsters.
When put all together - as if they ever WILL BE - BushCo members should be in jail for the next several generations.
But will that ever happen?
Gawd, is that debatable. But if we don't sledgehammer them in the next several months, our window of opportunity will be lost.
When the elections come in November, and the Diebolds and ES&Ses of the world steal our votes by turning them into GOP votes electronically, our world AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT will be gone. If we don't have a 25% lead in the polls when they steal the election, they will claim that the pollsters were simply leaning too far toward the Democratic candidates. We need THAT BIG of a polling lead to convince everyone that we have been "Ukrainized" if we lose again. IMHO, there is no polling lead too big to prevent them from TRYING to steal the election for the 4th time since 2000. They HAVE to do it again - because once they have lost and no longer can control the counting of the votes, their jig is up, and heads will roll - and they will do everything in their power to prevent that. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE NOW.
Our only hope - now and for long into the future - is in the courts. How successfully BushCo has seeded their kind in the courts is yet to be seen. The Abramoff, NSA and Plame cases are our only hope, but only if the prosecutors, judges and juries believe their patriotic duty to uphold the Constitution is greater than their allegiance to BushCo. Only if they can be put in the slammer and totally disgraced can their ways be discredited enough for most of us to wake up and get the hell out of this long national nightmare.
The Dems and Progressives (especially the bloggers), whether they know it or not - are part of the problem. "WHAT?!!!???" you may ask.
The blogs are so giddy EVERY TIME another BushCo screw up comes along. But by encouraging people to vent their spleens anwe very few days in cyberspace, the venting dissipates into useless drivel, and everyone goes unpunished. People sitting at their PCs in their dens or libraries or basements have little to no power to effect change at all.
And when they jump from one issue to another - without resolving the previous ones - they give BushCo a pass.
They (we) have all given the Village Idiot Naked Emperor scores of passes.
I say without any hesitation at this point in the game:
The left is possibly a bigger enabler for Bush than even the Red Staters. |
How do we change from enablers to jailers?
We simply must have SOME people stay focused on each of the past issues, even while new ones show up.
The old saying goes, "When everybody is responsible for something, nobody is". In the same vein, when we ALL feel we have to jump on the newest FUBAR, no one is responsible for making BushCo accountable for past OR present issues.
There are plenty enough of us to parcel each one to, say, 30 bloggers to obliterate Bush on ONE issue, and 30 on each of the other issues.
Somehow we have to delegate to those groups of 30 (or whatever) their "assignments", or ask for volunteers. And they need the support of the rest of the Progressive people, who need to visit their blogs (and point them in fruitful directions, possibly) without distracting each group from its single issue.
By having everyone hammering their little tiny bit about every little or large FUBAR or criminality, we accomplish nothing. Yes, we have a right to get upset, but we also have to wake up the the reality, which is that we are completely ineffective.
Mountains may be moved by the thimbleful, but when there is a fleet of dump trucks on the far side of the mountainside building it up even more, our thimbles are fighting a losing cause. We need to focus and organize and put great amounts of pressure, FOCUSED PRESSURE, not the wisps we are currently doing.
The right has their think tanks, and that is the source of their ability to apply high pressure at a moment's notice.
We on the left have NOTHING comparable.
Our frittering ways have to end - or we are ended.
Our frittering ways have enabled the Right and their Bert and Ernie Muppet Emperor for too long. And we are just spinning our wheels and letting America blow away before our very eyes.
. . . . TD